Well, it's almost closing on 2008 and what a fantastic year it has been. To end on a high note I have received my Uni results for 2nd semester and a distinction for each topic! I am so surprised by this, I only expected 2 distinctions at the most. So to end my first year at Uni with 7 distinctions and 1 credit is fabulous. Not only have I got a great result but I've thoroughly enjoyed it too.
I'm looking forward to starting more studies in March 2009, and I've booked Womens Studies as an elective, I'm sure to be able to get my teeth stuck right into that.
Stephanie is all booked in for her new school too. We've decided to go private for her, so it's Woodcroft College she'll being Reception in February 2009, she's so looking forward to going, she's got her uniform already and she's met her teacher, Ms Nagle, who is getting married soon so will have a different name next year, so I'm told.
I've booked myself to do Lifeline shift on Christmas Eve 6 - 10pm and then again on New Years Day starting at midnight through to 6am. I'm looking forward to them as well, it will be interesting to see how they go. Wondering what is happening with other people over the festive season, perhaps a call to Lifeline will help them get their Christmas and New Years into perspective.
QotD: “Ban pornography depicting strangulation, review urges UK ministers”
Pornography depicting strangulation should be made illegal along with other
kinds of “legal but harmful” sexual material, according to an independent
1 week ago